
Friday, August 10, 2012

I "shoot" deer but in a harmless way

I recently took my photography to sell in a lodge to vacationers and the people that own the lodge have deer. I recently took photography of deer in the woods. I found out how to "hunt" that day while leaving the woods the way I left it and without taking wildlife away from the woods. Enjoy the "shots" I fired!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

One Life Photography Exhibition

Angie Johnson Hack: Click "Collect Me" to help me win a New York City photo exhibition and a$25,000 cash grant: One Life Photography Competition

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photography In My Backyard

I love to do intricate subjects!! This ant tested my patience with my photography skills!!

Got one more of my Aunt Gertie before she tried leaving me by climbing on the  other side of the blade.

The birds still were trying to play in the last of the daylight before the  full moon  brightened and the sky darkended  for the night.