
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photography In My Backyard

I love to do intricate subjects!! This ant tested my patience with my photography skills!!

Got one more of my Aunt Gertie before she tried leaving me by climbing on the  other side of the blade.

The birds still were trying to play in the last of the daylight before the  full moon  brightened and the sky darkended  for the night.

Monday, May 14, 2012

wedding photography trick I saw in a photography magazine

See the HEART???  I just had to try this trick I found in a photography magazine. My lighting wasn't quite right and the ring was a little too big to sit in the spine of the Bible...but looks amazing to me. Awesome trick!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

VW Photography

I love to do photography of old cars, somehow the rust just preserves the story of the vehicle.  Too bad that car can't talk and tell me its story (Herbie would have) many owners it had, if it was a 16th birthday gift for a new driver and where it traveled to. As I sit here and ponder, these old VW's probably saw  more asphalt than I will ever travel on. 

Up until today, I lived in front of a VW Heaven. Until today, the guys at the garage hauled them all to the car graveyard......The dreaded salvage yard.  

I got some great shots of some rare cars.  They sure don't make cars like that anymore. 

RIP lil bugs.....will miss you!! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Did you ever hear of "Spinning" Class at the YMCA?

Well...maybe the mice can show us how this spinning class operates!! LOL

Where to hang a hat or bonnet?.......

There was a mom and two little girls and they nested there bonnets inside one another ! too cute!!
Only in rural Central Pennsylvania at a local doctors office can you find amish hats laying under the seats in the waiting room because there are no hooks for their hats.......I just had to chuckle when I saw this the other day. Its the little things in life that make me laugh and snap pictures. Sorry about the quality of these droid phone is not a great photographer's camera!

Amish Funeral Procession

amish funeral prossession going by our house. (not the greatest of my photography skills but was taken out of my living room window)

Young amish men heading to the amish cemetary to lay their loved one to rest 
I got a better shot of this that is going in my artist reception gallery!!

more of the funeral procession. My husband and I noticed each of the buggies had  numbers chalked on the side of the buggies to tell which buggy was who's. It would be hard to figure out who owns what buggy without pinstripes, license plate numbers and hood ornaments!! lol

more buggies for the procession

This was later in the day after they returned from the cemetery  to spend time with the family on the  farm

notice the bus in the left corner, they come from all over....Ohio,  Lancaster etc. Those few Amish were talking before they boarded the bus.

An Amish man hitching up the buggy to head home

the open buggy in the middle are driven by the young amish before they marry. 

I wasnt really intruding on their loss and taking advantage of their  difficult time. I was hidden  at the Jerseytown Community Center with my zoom lense....YOU could call me the Amish Papparazzi.