
Monday, May 7, 2012

Amish Funeral Procession

amish funeral prossession going by our house. (not the greatest of my photography skills but was taken out of my living room window)

Young amish men heading to the amish cemetary to lay their loved one to rest 
I got a better shot of this that is going in my artist reception gallery!!

more of the funeral procession. My husband and I noticed each of the buggies had  numbers chalked on the side of the buggies to tell which buggy was who's. It would be hard to figure out who owns what buggy without pinstripes, license plate numbers and hood ornaments!! lol

more buggies for the procession

This was later in the day after they returned from the cemetery  to spend time with the family on the  farm

notice the bus in the left corner, they come from all over....Ohio,  Lancaster etc. Those few Amish were talking before they boarded the bus.

An Amish man hitching up the buggy to head home

the open buggy in the middle are driven by the young amish before they marry. 

I wasnt really intruding on their loss and taking advantage of their  difficult time. I was hidden  at the Jerseytown Community Center with my zoom lense....YOU could call me the Amish Papparazzi. 

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